NFL Teams Need To Stop Trusting Their Defenses To Get The Ball Back Late In Games And Just Go For It On 4th Down

I am starting the blog off with this clip because Frank needs more credit for fully diving for the balloon and putting his body on the line. Frank went for it. With the game on the line, Frank did not hold back and think about the consequences of failing. He sold out for that balloon. Going with that theme, I'm here to talk about how teams need to go for it more when the game is on the line.

Yesterday the Cowboys had the ball with 2:10 left on their own 28 yard line down 7. It was 4th and 10 and they had 3 time outs left. Mike McCarthy was left with two options, punt the ball away and trust your defense to get an immediate stop, or go for it and trust your offense to get you 10 yards on the very next play. 

This is where these coaches need to change their mindset because I don't think it makes much sense. Yes, here I am (an idiot) telling NFL coaches what they should do. 

I think you should go for it in that situation every time because at least you go down with the ball in your hands. What are you paying Dak Prescott all that money for if he can't get you 10 yards to prolong your season? I understand if you miss that 4th down conversion the game is over, but the odds of you getting the ball back with a realistic chance to go down the field are not good. The Cowboys punted and got the ball on their own 10 with 30 seconds and no timeouts. They were lucky to get the ball back at all considering Mitchell ran out of bounds for no reason. 

I get the same feeling here when a team has a chance to go for 2 and take the lead after a late touchdown, but they opt to kick an extend the game. I would rather have the ball in my QB's hands to get 10 yards and keep the drive going 100% of the time. I think coaches are far too scared to go for it on 4th down. I'm not saying to be like Staley on the Chargers, but asking for a 10 yard gain from what is supposed to be a very good offense really doesn't seem that crazy to ask for. You're not in a good spot either way, but let me die with my offense on the field there rather than giving the other team the ball. 

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